Projects with Possible Funding - |
Batteryless cell phone related projects: This project involves a number of tasks including power measurements, replacing cell phone battery with alternative energy sources, designing a green charger, etc.
Robotic instrument (RoBio) project: design a robotic arm to maintain cell cultures under sterile conditions)
Affordable internet project: design an affordable WiFi access
iPhone/iTune Project: there are several interesting projects in this area click for more information.
Green light project: design a light dimming system which can follow people as they enter and walk in the building ; this project can also be extended to an internet control light system for buildings.
DTN-based distance learning: using PALM or iTune design a DTN-based communication. Read a little about delay tolerant networks
Wireless application in medical areas: read for more information...
Accelerometer based projects: read for more information....
Suggested Projects for Graduate and Undergraduate Students |
Simulation-based Projects |
Do a simple project using OPNET or Network Simulator (NS) or any other network simulation tools
Small Class Projects |
Electronic Investigative Projects - Investigate how these typical appliances operate.
Digital Hands-on Projects - Simple digital electronic projects
FPGA-based Projects - (go the end of the page)
Internet Control Projects |
LabVIEW Projects and Information |
This is a very good tutorial to Labview: http://www.ni.com/swf/presentation/us/labview/aap/default.htm
This is very good Book to teach yourself Labview
Education-based Projects |
POD casting project: There are many software that can accomplish this. The idea is to design a complete platform which is free of charge and can be used for distance learning.
Online electronic laboratory project: you can use Elvis or any of existing laboratory equipments; requires authentications and data basing.
High School Projects |
How to Write/Research |
Good resources on books and articles regarding how to write your reports
Use the provided Research Project Template for your major project.
Please read these important notes on how to write your formal Lab Report.