Getting ready for the FINAL Project Presentation
How to prepare for your presentation:
- Make sure your web page is updated; your web page must include names, project title, & proposal documents. Add some notes about how other students (e.g., SRJC students) helped your group - Thank them!
- During your presentation you should address the following in 12-15 min (max). Use this example: presentationSlides
- Front page:
- Names of client / advisor / industry collaborator
- Add the link to your web page
- What is the problem you are trying to solve?
- What is your solution?
- What are your (engineering/marketing) requirements? You may have these requirements printed on separate handouts and distribute them among the audience (kind of like this).
- What is your proposed architecture?
- What tests have you done to validate your (engineering) requirements? Your results must be quantitative and clear - don't just say "it works" - what are the ranges of operation?
- What is the cost/budget?
- Show your schedule / did you keep up with the schedule?
- What did you learn ? What will you not do again? Are you a better engineer now? Why? What suggestions do you have for the next group of students doing their senior design projects?
- Future works?
- References - Make sure your references appear with correct format
- Special thanks to ...Thank everyone that assisted you throughout this project
- Any questions. Invite everyone to see you at the demo table.
- Practice your presentation:
- Make sure all your team members speak during the presentation (equally)
- Do not interrupt each other when speaking
- Don't put your hands in your pockets; stand straight and look at your audience. They are here for you!
- Give everyone in the team the opportunity to answer to the questions
- Do not hide behind the podium; be visible
- Ask again if you don't understand the question & be nice when you answer to the questions
- This is how your Project presentation will be evaluated: Final_Project_Presentation_Evaluation
- Always make sure you have a backup plan: What if the network did not work? What if the file was corrupted?
Whom to invite:
- Your faculty advisor must be present! Make sure you remind them!
- Please ask your client to be available if possible.
- Ask our industry advisor to come
- Invite anyone that assisted you throughout the duration of the project (e.g., SRJC students)
- Invite all your friends and family members.
What to bring to your presentation:
- Make SIX copies of the Final_Project_Presentation_Evaluation; Complete the top part of the form (name, project, advisor, etc.)
- It is your responsibility to arrange for any extension cord, etc. for your demo
- Complete the Final Demonstration Form
What to do after the presentation:
- Rest for a day, perhaps!
- Consider catching up with your other courses!
- Start getting your project documents together.
- Check Canvas!