Getting ready for the FINAL Project Presentation

How to prepare for your presentation:

  1. Make sure your web page is updated; your web page must include names, project title, & proposal documents. Add some notes about how other students (e.g., SRJC students) helped your group - Thank them!
  2. During your presentation you should address the following in 12-15 min (max). Use this example: presentationSlides
  3. Practice your presentation:
  4. This is how your Project presentation will be evaluated: Final_Project_Presentation_Evaluation
  5. Always make sure you have a backup plan: What if the network did not work? What if the file was corrupted?

Whom to invite:

  1. Your faculty advisor must be present! Make sure you remind them!  
  2. Please ask your client to be available if possible. 
  3. Ask our industry advisor to come
  4. Invite anyone that assisted you throughout the duration of the project (e.g., SRJC students)
  5. Invite all your friends and family members.

What to bring to your presentation:

  1. Make SIX copies of the Final_Project_Presentation_Evaluation; Complete the top part of the form (name, project, advisor, etc.)
  2. It is your responsibility to arrange for any extension cord, etc. for your demo
  3. Complete the Final Demonstration Form

What to do after the presentation:

  1. Rest for a day, perhaps!
  2. Consider catching up with your other courses!
  3. Start getting your project documents together.
  4. Check Canvas!