Instructor: |
Textbooks: | Required: Signals, Systems, and Transforms; Charles L. Phillips, John M. Parr, Eve A. Riskin - Amazon 4th Edition / Amazon 3rd Edition. / Google book - 4th Edition Supplement: H.P. Hsu, Schaum Outline of Signals and Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1995. (You may find it useful.) Software: Matlab See Web page for up-to-date information. / You need Student Version Release 12 |
Salazar 2009; |
Office Hours: |
By Appointment, Office Hours |
Grading: |
95-100 is A 90-94 is A- 87-89 B+ 84-86 is B 80-83 is B- 74-76 is C 70-73 is C- 77-79 is C+ 67-69 is D+ 64- 66 is D 60-63 is D- < 60 is F |
Homework/Lab 25% Quiz 25% Midterm 25% Final Exam 25% |
Reminder: ES/CES 400 is a 3 credit hour course requiring an average of 9-12 hours of study per week! |
Classroom Conduct: In order to create an appropriate environment for teaching and learning, students must show respect for their instructors and fellow students. Listed below are a few guidelines for classroom behavior. Students are expected to follow these guide lines to ensure that the learning environment is not compromised.
PLAGIARISM:All forms of cheating and plagiarism are serious offenses that can result in disciplinary penalties including expulsion from the University. Homework which are identical in every aspect with receive ZERO! This includes copying assignments from the Internet! Refer to the student handbook for details. Each student is expected to do his/her own work.
WITHDRAWAL: Authorized withdrawals are permitted without penalty or notation on the students' academic record. No student will be granted a withdrawal after this date unless under extreme extenuating circumstances. Please be advised that the instructor will not grant a grade of 'W' after the deadline for any student failing the course. Policy regarding withdrawal is stated in the university catalog.
SPECIAL NEEDS: If you have emergency medical information that needs to be shared with the instructor, or require special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please inform the instructor.
UNIVERSITY POLICIES: As a student at Sonoma State University, it is important that you know the policies and procedures that affect you. These five policies and procedures were selected by the SSU Academic Senate for their importance to your academic career.. more here
HOMEWORK: All students are
required to complete homework assignments. Homework assignments require
familiarity with different software tools such as Excel, and VISIO. Homework
assignments must be submitted in class. Late submissions will receive 10
deduction points for each late day, including weekends. All hardcopy
submissions must be stapled and have a cover sheet, otherwise they will not
be accepted. Please avoid printing your homework when class starts!
BLOGS: Each individual student
is required to signup with PIAZZA You must login using
your first and last name (e.g., Cesar Chavez).
Quizzes: There will be a quiz almost every two weeks. The quizzes
will be based on practice/homework problems (but not exactly the same). No
make-ups are allowed. If you are late to class or stepped outside and missed a
quiz, there will be no make-up. You can drop your lowest quiz grade. Only
EXAMS: Exams will consist of problems designed to test your understanding of the concepts covered in class and lab. Anyone missing an exam will receive a zero grade for that exam. Make-up exams will only be given with a doctor's slip stating that you were too ill on the day of the exam to attend, or documented extraordinary circumstances.
LECTURE SERIES: It is highly advised that all students to participate in Lecture Series at Sonoma. Please have a faculty sign the Signup sheet every time you attend the talk. By attending all SIX talks you will receive ONE quiz grade. There will be no partial credit.
Software: All students are expected to become skilled and comfortable with the following software: MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint, and Matlab.
FOLDER: All students must get a folder and maintain all their homework, quizzes, tests, etc. in there.
This 3-hour lecture covers analysis of linear time-invariant systems, correlation, convolution, impulse response, complex variables, Fourier series and transform, sampling, filtering, modulation, stability and causality, feedback and control systems, Laplace and Z-transform, fast Fourier transforms.
The objectives of this course are to:PREREQUISITE:
Math 241 (Differential Equation with Linear Algebra) or consent of instructor
Each student’s final grade will be calculated according to the Grading Plan mentioned above. Please note the following:
Please make sure you speak to me before you decide on dropping the class!
I will be available, if you are willing to learn!