Serial Communication - Review Questions:

Reading assignment for serial communications:

  1. How does Even Parity work? What will be the value of even parity bit for 0b01011101?
  2. What is endianness refer to? What is little endian?
  3. Assume we have a data format with stop/start bit, even parity bit, and 8 bits of data. Assume we want to transmit letter "K"using big endian. Show th content of the frame Which bit is transmitted first? Show the bit.
  4. What is the truth table for an XOR?
  5. Show (draw) the wiring for an asynch. serial communication used in RS232.
  6. What communication protocol Ethernet uses? Serial or parallel?
  7. Assume the baud rate is 115200 8N1. How many bytes are transmitted per second?
  8. Consider a synch. wired communication using big endian. Show the wiring interface between the two devices.
  9. Name one specific serial communication standard that is asynch. serial communications.
  10. What are signal level standards for RS232 serial communication protocol?
  11. Assume we want to transmit 0b01011101 using 9600 8N1. Show the transmitted signal using RS232 standard.
  12. What is the purpose of FIFO in EUSART?
  13. Calculate the percentage overhead of a frame in an asynch. serial communication with 9600 8N1. Assuming we send 10,000 bits, how many of them are actually data bits?
  14. Name a 4-wire serial communication.
  15. How does an asynch. communication protocol ensures that the two devices are in fact in synch?
  16. Draw a circuit showing a MASTER node is connected to three SLAVE nodes using full-duplex SPI communication. Show all the lines and signals very clearly.
  17. What does it mean when we say I2C lines are open-drain?
  18. Show the timing diagram between a master and a slave, assuming the Master is requesting data.
  19. How many frame types are used in I2C protocol? What are they?
  20. In terms of scalability what is the difference between SPI and I2C?
  21. If the R/W bit in the address frame from a MASTER node, using I2C is set to 1, what does it indicate?
  22. Let's say the request from t MASTER node is not processed by the I2C SLAVE node. Would the MASTER ever know? How?
  23. SPI is faster than RS232 - T/F?
  24. Assuming the ASCII for character "R" is 0x52, draw TX/Clk/CS when "R" is transmitted. Assume we are using SPI interface and all data transmissions happen at the falling edge of the clock.
  25. Using an SPI communication, assuming the clock frequency is 240 KHz, what will be the period of a complete data frame containing a single character?
  26. In terms of data frames, what is the key difference between SPI and USART?
  27. In I2C, how does the master specifies which slave node it wants to communicate with?
  28. In SPI communications:
    1. What is the status of the CS when data is received by the Slave node?
    2. What is the status of the CS when data is received by the Master node?