Serial Communication - Review Questions:
Reading assignment for serial communications:
- How does Even Parity work? What will be the value of even parity bit for 0b01011101?
- What is endianness refer to? What is little endian?
- Assume we have a data format with stop/start bit, even parity bit, and 8 bits of data. Assume we want to transmit letter "K"using big endian. Show th content of the frame Which bit is transmitted first? Show the bit.
- What is the truth table for an XOR?
- Show (draw) the wiring for an asynch. serial communication used in RS232.
- What communication protocol Ethernet uses? Serial or parallel?
- Assume the baud rate is 115200 8N1. How many bytes are transmitted per second?
- Consider a synch. wired communication using big endian. Show the wiring interface between the two devices.
- Name one specific serial communication standard that is asynch. serial communications.
- What are signal level standards for RS232 serial communication protocol?
- Assume we want to transmit 0b01011101 using 9600 8N1. Show the transmitted signal using RS232 standard.
- What is the purpose of FIFO in EUSART?
- Calculate the percentage overhead of a frame in an asynch. serial communication with 9600 8N1. Assuming we send 10,000 bits, how many of them are actually data bits?
- Name a 4-wire serial communication.
- How does an asynch. communication protocol ensures that the two devices are in fact in synch?
- Draw a circuit showing a MASTER node is connected to three SLAVE nodes using full-duplex SPI communication. Show all the lines and signals very clearly.
- What does it mean when we say I2C lines are open-drain?
- Show the timing diagram between a master and a slave, assuming the Master is requesting data.
- How many frame types are used in I2C protocol? What are they?
- In terms of scalability what is the difference between SPI and I2C?
- If the R/W bit in the address frame from a MASTER node, using I2C is set to 1, what does it indicate?
- Let's say the request from t MASTER node is not processed by the I2C SLAVE node. Would the MASTER ever know? How?
- SPI is faster than RS232 - T/F?
- Assuming the ASCII for character "R" is 0x52, draw TX/Clk/CS when "R" is transmitted. Assume we are using SPI interface and all data transmissions happen at the falling edge of the clock.
- Using an SPI communication, assuming the clock frequency is 240 KHz, what will be the period of a complete data frame containing a single character?
- In terms of data frames, what is the key difference between SPI and USART?
- In I2C, how does the master specifies which slave node it wants to communicate with?
- In SPI communications:
- What is the status of the CS when data is received by the Slave node?
- What is the status of the CS when data is received by the Master node?