Sample Code With Errors
; Title: Simple Addition Using Assembly
;Program Details:
; The purpose of this program is to load two bytes, Byte1 (F2H) and Byte2 (22H), in data registers REG0 and ; REG1, respectively and add the bytes.
; If the sum generates a carry, clear the data register REG2; otherwise, save the sum in REG2.

; Inputs: BYTE1 & BYTE 2
; Outputs: REG2
; Date: date and time
; Compiler: Simulator Version ????
; Author: name of the author
; Versions:
;           V1 - What is the version numer and what is the change for each version?
;           V2 - What is the version numer and what is the change for each version?
; File Dependencies: these are the listing and header files you need to run the
;   program

; Initialization
        List p=18F452, f=inhx32
        #include <>  ;This is a header file for 18F452
                                                        ;It includes definitions of SFRs

; Program Inputs
BYTE1   EQU             0xF2            ;Data bytes 
BYTE2   EQU             0x32

; Program Constants
REG0    EOU             0x00            ;Data Register addresses
REG1    EQU             0x01
REG2    EQU             0x02

; Main Program
                0RG             00                      ;Reset vector
                GOTO    START

                ORG             0020H           ; Begin assembly at 0020H
SART:   	MOVLW   BYTE1           ;Load F2H into W register
					MOVWF   REG0,0          ;Save F2H in REG0
					MOVLW   BYTE3           ;Load 32H into W register
					ADDWF    REG0,0,0        ;Add byte in REG0 to REG1
					BN             SAVE              ;If no carry, go to location SAVE
SAVE   	  MOVWF   REG2,0          ;Save Result or clear REG
					SLEEP                             ;Power down